Heal your vibrational energy to attract income and influence
Stop The Overthinking  
by tapping into your  
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Overthinking is an Ego-based fear response.

You're trying to think your way to success .... 
The problem is that doesn't work!

Did you know that ultimately, it's your subconscious beliefs that run the show? You can literally spend countless hours on affirmations and positive thinking, but at the end of the day, the results you experience have more to do with your beliefs than what you say and do. 

A lot of people don't know that. And even if you do, 
you may not know how to change your beliefs. 

Which means the very things that you want to create:

  • Better relationships
  • More influence
  • Greater happiness
  • More money
  • Feelings of success and happiness
... all seem so elusive no matter what you do.


I get it!!

My name is Jennie Friedman, and I help ambitious overthinkers from all backgrounds break cycles of 
procrastination, perfectionism, and self-sabotage.   

You see, when you can tap into your subconscious, you can use it to your advantage! 

No more feeling like a victim of circumstance, or frustrated and overwhelmed about things you can't control.  

In fact, you get to where you feel confident, intentional, and purpose-driven, which is 
completely fulfilling not to mention, freeing! 

When I first started figuring out all of this magic, I was working exclusively with folks diagnosed with ADHD, the very people who struggle most with organization, prioritization, emotional regulation, motivation, and time management!   

This makes me uniquely positioned to help you! How?

By using a specialized tool I developed that takes you through an aligning process 
— the Vibe Aligner — and I want to share it with you!
I'll show you how to let it be easy:
Discover your vibrational 
set-point ...
  •  Attract and maintain healthy relationships
  •  Manage your energy
  •  Break bad habits and negative patterns
  •  Discover how successful you can BE!
Why I do what I do ...
I love helping people discover parts of themselves they weren't tapping into but were there all along...
  • Discover new ways to access your inner self
  • Learn the number one thing you can do to break free and move forward
  • Join our Vibe Tribe for community with like-minded souls!

Here's the truth, my friend:

A lot of people think that inner work has to be hard and take a long time ... but that is 
not actually true. When I show you my process, changing how you approach life will 
seem almost effortless.

If you are like most of the people I talk to, chances are things like "get over it" or "just do it" are not realistic, and honestly ... you probably have little to no interest in trying to be fake!!

How many times have you patiently waited for others to understand you?


Do you start feeling like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole?

If you are really being honest, don't you think if you could just be yourself things would be a lot easier?

So let’s do this!

Discover which habits to create (in a whole new way.)

The wrong thing?

Sadly, there just isn't a magic system or guru advice that will make much of a lasting difference 
when you feel badly and out of sorts. But that doesn't mean you can't create meaningful 
alignment on-demand for yourself! 

It's just that you've probably been focusing on the wrong thing. 

So, what's the right thing? 

I'm talking about managing your inner realm: your states of consciousness and primarily your 
emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and once you manage that energy, this whole alignment 
thing just clears up as a side effect. 

Now, I am not talking about your attitude or mood ... although good ones are obviously helpful. 
I'm talking about your emotional state, which is deeply rooted in your subconscious. 
(Not to worry though, it's not difficult to tap into.)

You see, I've worked out a step-by-step process that as you follow along, you'll master 
aligning and get to where it's no longer a huge challenge!

Achieving true alignment to your truest, best Self is exactly what you are going to learn how to do. 
The Vibe Aligner will help you navigate and manage your inner realm so that how you spend 
your time and energy matches up with what is important in a way that works FOR YOU, not against you.

Here's What You Are Getting:

The Vibe Aligner© Toolkit ($197 Value)

A 4-step phenomenal tool that helps you focus in on exactly where your headspace is. By the time you're done you're going to know how to manage anything that comes your way! (This is a real game-changer, but if it were that obvious everybody would already be doing it.)  

Are you ready to stop being a slave to your bad habits and crappy conditioning and start letting it all be easier? Access this one-of-a-kind tool that helps with productivity, confidence, and overwhelm - 
even if you tend to be naturally scattered! 
Live Consciously. Make Things Happen. Let it Be Easy!
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